2022 was our 35th / CORAL Birthday!
The 35th Anniversary Celebration was on 6th August 2022
at View Melbourne 562 St. Kilda Road
It was FREE to all members.
This was an opportunity to reconnect with friends.
The day started at 9am to 4pm
Presentations included:
Karen Kearney - Threads from Paisley-Coats and Clark
Trevor Hancock - Colonial Thimbles and Jewellery
Register by 28th June 2022 (for catering purposes)
(Registration form sent via email)
Please wear your Name Tag

2017 was our 30th Birthday!
Our Society was founded in Melbourne over 30 years ago, and we certainly celebrated our Pearl anniversary. 'Pearl' is appropriate with
needlework tools because Mother-of-Pearl tools are among the prettiest ever made. Polishing oyster (and other) shells created a new way to
enjoy the lustre that pearls bring. Pearls may be meant for daytime, but mother-of-pearl is for anytime!
2016 saw the Conference in Melbourne - don't forget to look at our History page to see more about the event that inspires everyone who attends! The following one was in 2018, in Sydney (we'll set up our Conference page again when the pandemic abates).
The NSW group celebrated 25 years, but back in 2012 we'd already
celebrated the overall Society's 25th birthday since Foundation, so the 2018 theme in
Sydney was celebrating Spring.
Speaking of Events, and going back in the timeline, the 2012 Conference in Melbourne was the perfect opportunity for everyone to get together and party. Being a Silver Anniversary, that year's theme was, of course, SILVER!
were Raffles for antique Silver sewing tools, and Silver at every
opportunity: Speaker's topics, Displays of antique silver, silver-themed
table decorations, and small silver-toned Conference mementos. A
glistening weekend, made even more memorable with presentations to
Foundation members, and to the two ladies who started the Society,
celebrating 25 years of membership.
2014's Conference (in Sydney) was a chance to celebrate the 21st Birthday
of the Society's New South Wales group. Happy Birthday! This group was
founded by Nerylla Taunton, author and co-author of the BEST reference
books on Needlework Tools and on Chatelaines. Did I mention they're beautiful books, too?
This Events Page is where we'll also add interesting snippets and Articles about needlework tools. For example, did you know that Needlework Tools were once known as Toys?
( please come back soon )